- Kelsie and Paul live in Dubuque, IA
- They have been married for 7 years
- Kelsie and Paul met in seminary school
- They are brand-new pastors just now starting in their careers
- They will be placed in an as of yet unknown city where they will live and oversee their first congregation
- They have an 8-month old baby named Saraya
- They plan to have another child in the future
- As pastors, they will be frequently moving around every few years from church to church
- Current home: 1200 sqft
- Tiny home: 260 sqft
- Current home: 170k
- Tiny home: $100k
- Mobility
- They want to be able to bring their home with them as they are transferred to different churches across the country throughout the years
- They want their children to grow up with a minimalist lifestyle
- Kelsie and Paul want to enjoy the great outdoors and will be spending more time outside than inside
- As a financial asset to their congregation
- They will not have to rely on church supplied housing that the congregation pays for
- Enough space for an eventual family of four
- Multi-functional table and bed
- A beautiful grow-wall for growing their own food
- Farmhouse kitchen sink
- Space for entertaining/playing board games
- Outdoor deck for guests and relaxation
- Home office
- Split loft for a growing family
- Reading lights in master loft
- Creative storage space for a growing family