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Mother: Lyn (53)

Daughter: Nicole (31)

Plano, Texas

 “Big & Beautiful Mamas”

From the beginning it has always been just Lyn and Nicole, these self-described “Gilmore Girls” live like best friends rather than mother and daughter.  They have weathered tough times by relying on their irreverent senses of humor and loud personalities. They play pranks, have inside jokes, impromptu dance parties and spontaneously burst into song!

This mother and daughter duo is so in sync - they even gained weight at the same time!  Lyn and Nicole each weigh over 300 pounds, and they admit that they turn to food to celebrate life. To them, life is a feast and they enjoy every bite. From family pizza night with multiple pizzas and desserts to big breakfasts… the dining experience is a big deal in their home. So much so, that sometimes they even feed each other! In life they are each other’s biggest support system - but when it comes to food they are each other’s own worst enemies.  Their synchronicity needs to see them losing weight for their self-esteem and their health.

Lyn and Nicole live with Nicole’s nine-year-old son, Luke and Nicole’s husband of three years, Corland.  Luke loves the living situation because his mom and grandmother co-parent him, and Corland is like a best friend. He is interested in legally adopting Luke. Corland is still getting used to the unconventional situation, especially when Lyn walks right in when he’s having sex with Nicole!  But Nicole has made it clear that Lyn and Nicole are a package deal.

The mother and daughter roles were reversed when Lyn was hospitalized with a serious illness, Nicole became her watchdog - sleeping every night at the hospital and making sure that her mother was cared for properly.  This made Lyn and Nicole realize that life is short and they need to prioritize their health or they won’t be around to smother each other anymore!

Potential Storylines:

Weight Loss Journey

Lyn and Nicole explore their weight loss options together.  They will not undergo any kind of diet or exercise unless they both agree.  They plan to consult doctors, try new diets and experiment with every kind of exercise.  Will they be successful with Keto or Bollywood Dancing?  Losing 100 pounds is a tough goal, do they have what it takes or will they succumb to their food addiction?  Is Corland supportive, or does he see this as just another thing that takes Nicole away from their marriage?  Once they lose the weight, will Lyn get back on the dating scene? 

The Family That Works Together…

Lyn and Nicole want to be together every minute and want to start a home business together. How will Corland and Luke handle even MORE togetherness?

Privacy Please!

Lyn asks Corland and Nicole to make a sex calendar.  That way she will know exactly what days to stay away.  Nicole thinks its a great idea!  Corland thinks the idea is TMI and just another example of how he has to always bend to what Lyn and Nicole want.  

My Two Mommies

Lyn and Nicole are committed to raising Luke together as a team.  However, they have very different parenting styles.  Lyn can be too lenient; Nicole can be too tough.  Plus, they have decided to homeschool Luke.  Will mother and daughter be able to co-parent Luke without killing each other?  Or will Luke and Corland kill them first?


Eating - Food is a huge part of their lives.  They eat when they are happy, they eat when they are sad.  They feed each other when are too tired to feed themselves.

Mother May I? - Lyn and Nicole have almost a compulsion to keep tabs on each other.  They even go so far to ask each other permission before doing anything.

Web M/D (mother/daughter) - Lyn and Nicole consult each other if anything seems off with their health before ever seeing a doctor.  Even to the point of spot checking their bodies for anything unusual.

Breakfast-Every morning they have a big family breakfast, but it’s important that mom and daughter sit next to each other in their assigned seats.