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Gil Butler (28)

Los Angeles, CA


  • Gil is moving to LA in September from Seattle to explore new culinary opportunites!

  • Gil first got into cooking while attending High School. He was very into nutrition, but realized that in order to be healthy he needed to be able to cook or be able to hire someone to do it for him – so he learned to cook.

  • He loves to make healthy versions of Jewish classics. For instance, his latkes are made with sweet potato, parsnips, onions, almond flour, and pasture-raised eggs.

  • Since he loves nutrition, his culinary strength is cooking for people with dietary restrictions. 

  • Growing up meant decking his family’s house out in Hanukkah banners, signage, lights, and gelt every year.

  • Today, his favorite thing about Hanukkah is gathering his closest friends and family and making them his famous frozen latkes.