
Eboni & Nikki


Eboni (46)Nikki (48)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  

It’s In The DNA

Eboni and Nikki are eighteen months apart, but to them, it feels like they were meant to be twins. The sisters grew up in Philadelphia and early on, their parents split up. Being raised by a single mother who had several jobs to support her daughters meant that Eboni and Nikki were latch key kids. Nikki assumed the role of mom at an early age, and their earliest memories are of Eboni being taken care of by her older sister. Their bond was solidified by their need to be together because if they were together, they knew each other were safe. Nikki and Eboni say they are each other's "first love" and their close relationship is proof. Their lives are intertwined, and Nikki and Eboni wouldn't have it any other way!

Nikki loves that Eboni lives exactly six minutes away from her. Though Eboni has her own home, she has always found herself spending time at Nikki's house more than her own. Nikki is a picky eater and since they were kids, Eboni will "taste test" food and has to approve before Nikki will eat it. Eboni knows exactly what Nikki will like and not like when it comes to her pallet. Others find it extremely odd. Eboni and Nikki also share everything. They talk all day while they are working, ask each other for constant input on all their daily decisions, and will often sleep in the same bed. Being around each other in the nude is no-big-deal either!

Eboni recently got out of an eight-year relationship and has been relying on her sister more than ever. She has been spending the night at Nikki's house and has been comforted by being able to sleep in bed with Nikki. For Eboni, being physically close to her sister calms her nerves and is helping her get through the breakup. Nikki is giving Eboni more affection than usual, and it makes her feel better knowing that her sister is with her. Looking forward, Nikki is anticipating Eboni getting back into dating. Nikki is a tough critic when it comes to who Eboni dates. Eboni has been feeling down recently because at forty-six years old, Eboni always imagined being married, having kids and a successful career. Eboni is leaning on Nikki more than ever because she feels like she has a long road ahead of her in finding new love and a new job. 

Nikki met her husband, Anthony, when they were in elementary school. The couple started dating when they were seventeen years old and have six children together. They have sons Nahshon (22), Nathaneal (20), Nikai (12) and daughters Tatiana (28), Tiara (26) and Eboni (30). Nikki says that Eboni is like a second mother to her kids and Eboni has been in each of the kids' lives on a daily basis since birth. 

Nikki feels like her relationship with Eboni has held her sister back in life. It's no secret that Nikki has always been the "shining star" and Eboni has spent much of her life in Nikki's shadow. Nikki feels like Eboni has given up years of her life to help Nikki and it's time for Nikki to turn the tables and help Eboni be able to find her happiness. They just aren’t sure how to do it. They’re so cemented in their ways it’ll be a major adjustment to shift anything!

Eboni and Nikki have started looking into their ancestry. Their father was absent in the beginning part of their lives and he came back into their lives when they were adults. Their father is close to them now but is vague about the gap of time when he wasn't in their life and the sisters suspect that he fathered other children during that time. Eboni and Nikki have started their journey looking for other siblings by doing a DNA test through 23 & Me and they are eager to find the truth. They plan to start going through the DNA matches from their report in an effort to find people who may be their siblings. Though their bond is the most important thing to each of them, the sisters are eager to find more siblings and have dreams of meeting new siblings and being able to have a close bond with them as well.

Although they’re excited by the prospect of new siblings and family members, what will it truly mean to find a long-lost relative? Will it be the brother they always wanted? Will that person even want to meet them? Will their expectations lead to disappointment or will they really, truly expand their family? Either way it’s an exciting and mysterious journey for two sisters who are already beyond close.