The Dino House


Homeowner: Devin Montgomery

Occupation: Artist/Fabricator

Home Location: Studio City, CA

When Devin was very young, his father purchased this home in Studio City as a rental property. Years later Devin bought it from his dad, and as a father-son project, they re-roofed the house in a layered, story-book method that made the house distinct. Since then Devin has continued to make the place his own personal abode that defies categorization. He built the metal dinosaurs over the years in the yard and on his roof. As a big fan of all things medieval, he made a drawbridge and a moat around his front door. Devin’s ability to create and build is only matched by a fierce individualistic streak; he doesn’t care for traditional or “acceptable” design. The inside of his home is room after room of unexpected décor. From a gold skeleton to 30 antique tiffany lamps that fill his personal bedroom this house has a little bit of everything. Even the dog’s crate is incorporated into the house itself. Additionally, Devin appreciates and flips antiques and oddities, which allows him to fill his home with eccentric pieces that suit his personal style.

The back courtyard continues the trend with an automatic fountain, a bar, a pirate skeleton lounging in a hammock and more. This is also where Devin’s pet giant tortoise lives as well.

  • Never passing an opportunity, if Devin sees a piece that he could transform into something fantastic for his home, he must have it now. “Coming back later” isn’t an option.

  • People passing the house regularly take pictures and stop to take in what he’s done with the front yard. If Devin notices kids admiring the house, he activates the dinosaur on the roof, which shoots flames.

  • As far as he’s concerned, Devin’s house is never “done”. Even when he runs out of space, he will often retire certain items or “looks” in various rooms and redesign the area into something else.

  • With dramatic and colorful lighting both inside and outside the house, it creates a very atmospheric and different look at night than the daytime.