

Mustafa aka “The Moose” - Redondo Beach, Ca

Mustafa aka “The Moose” is a 6’4” wall of Middle-Eastern muscle. He gets attention wherever he goes. People even secretly take his photo when they think he’s not looking. Women in the gym actually smack his butt and grab a pinch, curious to see what his body is like. He’s had men come up to him and say, “I’m not gay but you’re exceptionally attractive.” His friends, dates, and family are always annoyed because he’s constantly asked if he’s a celebrity and his lunches and dinners are interrupted for a selfie. All of his time, money, and energy goes into his appearance. He’s constantly at the gym. He’s always spending money on supplements and the proper food. He’s even dabbled in human growth hormone injectables. Everything in his life is designed to have a perfect, bodybuilder physique. And with more shows on the horizon, it’s Mustafa’s goal to be one of the most successful and famous bodybuilders in the world. To make ends meet Mustafa works as a handyman but the majority of his money goes to his passion for bodybuilding.

Mustafa was born in the small town of Aqaba, in the country of Jordan, but spent most of his life in Medina, Saudi Arabia. He grew up extremely poor and very different from other children. He had lighter skin and lighter eyes. He was teased and made fun of most of his life. Through Tae Kwon Do and swimming he eventually became a 2 Dan Black Belt and was then introduced to his true passion: bodybuilding. It hasn’t been easy, Mustafa met his now ex-wife at Muscle Beach in Venice, but body-building, (amongst other factors) lead to the end of his marriage. Today, he’s still close with his ex-wife, but having a personal life and a life outside of his aesthetic is extremely hard. Because he credits bodybuilding as a way to deliver himself from extreme poverty in the Middle East, he doesn’t know any other way to live, even if he does need to find balance.