ANIKA (40) & HERB (42)

Home: 1950 Mid-Century Modern 

Layout: 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths

Square Footage: 3,500 sqft

Approximate Budget: $30,000



1. Bathrooms

2. Playroom/Windows

3. Flooring 

  • Anika and Herb are parents to Brea (12), Anika (10), Herbert (6), Michael (4) and Abigail (2) They love their big family but feel overwhelmed with demanding careers, a historic home and five children under 12 years old.

  • Anika is a consultant and research assistant with her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Herb is a pastor. They deliberately chose a historic neighborhood, but unfortunately they chose the most unattractive and boring house as they were able to get a great deal. They knew that a good deal also came with a good deal of work. Windows that won’t open, floors in disrepair, chipping paint, non-function bathrooms.

  • Bathroom: All of the bathrooms in the home are in need of major repair, and because of it, all seven people in the family wind up piling into Herb’s master bathroom in the morning to get ready! Herb and Anika’s master suite bathrooms are not in “perfect condition”. Herb’s bathroom has cracked tiles and the walls are showing signs of cracks. Anika’s bathroom has cracked tilework and a non-functional tub that is deteriorating. The other bathroom in the house has water damage in the original vanity and is in need of new plaster and paint on the walls. Anika says that she would only trust an expert to make the necessary repairs and not ruin the tile work or fixtures. Herb and Anika are really passionate about preserving the fixtures in their home and would like to find historic fixes before adding any modern touches to their home. Anika is desperate to have her bathrooms working so she doesn’t have to compete to use the shower in the morning! 

  • Flooring: The flooring throughout the home is a major issue for the family. The floors are uneven and ugly. They are in need of repair to make them comfortable to walk on and look visually appealing. Anika dislikes how the flooring changes from wood to tile to carpet in places that “don't make sense.” 

  • Playroom/Windows: With so many young children Herb and Anika need a place for their children to play, however the playroom is in disrepair and unfortunately too cold for the children to comfortably and safely spend time in. One of the kids (they won’t say who!) broke one of their windows in the playroom. They don’t want to replace the window on their own until they solve the “windows” crisis throughout the home, so they put a piece of clear plastic and duct tape of the window. Herb and Anika want to save the windows but have had multiple professionals try to convince them to “ditch the historic windows.” They aren’t willing to make updates until a professional who is as passionate about preservation as they are tells them that they don’t have to use “modern” fixtures to update their home. 

  • Anika and Herb have owned other homes before that were in need of work. They know that it can be a lengthy process but they are committed to “doing right” by their historic home and working with only the best to make sure their home is restored to its original charm.